Tag: Rejects Update

Legitimate updates

February 16th, 2018 – Updates

Stats from the 2/15 game have been added, congrats to Rejects White on the win!

Individual Player Profile Pages will now have a Rensselaer Rejects Playoffs section that will house their playoff stats.

I am still updating the website to handle the playoff stats, and to make sure that they are kept separate from the regular season stats.

Please note that the regular season stats are saved and are accurate despite that is displayed on the site.

Once all of the updates are in, there will be a place to see the regular season stats, and the playoff stats, separately.

Bear with me until then!

February 2nd, 2018 – Updates

The stats from the 2/1 game have been added!

All stats should be completely up to date. As always, if you see something strange, feel free to contact me! (Dave)

Also, added a playoff bracket to The League page, and modified the generic Playoff events to reflect the rounds and when they’ll be taking place on the Calendar page.